Philosophy & approach to Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision is a mutual endeavor enhanced by a trusting bi-directional relationship that leads to professional development and enhanced client care through mentoring, guidance, and clinical oversight. Therefore, my approach in supervision is from a collaborative framework to help supervisees grow in their professional life which will help them better serve their clients.
My approach to supervision follows the Developmental Model, which emphasizes different stages of supervisees’ development (novice to expert), suggesting that each stage of supervisees’ development consists of specific supervisees characteristics and skills that require supervisor interventions appropriate to each level. Each phase of the supervisory relationship illustrates the experience of the participants (supervisor and supervisee) and the central focus for the reflective learning experience of the supervisee.
Areas of focus in supervision focus on intervention, skills competence, assessment techniques, interpersonal assessment, client conceptualization, individual differences, theoretical orientation, treatment goals and plans, and professional ethics. In this context, I want to help supervisees identify their own strengths and growth areas which will enable them to be responsible for their life-long development as both therapists and supervisors. I aim to support and foster that growth while assuring client and therapist safety.
Goals of supervision are:
To develop competence in assessment and treatment modalities while continuing to develop knowledge/expertise in different theoretical orientations.
Promote supervisee developmental growth through teaching and supporting the supervisee’s knowledge and applied skills.
Become familiar and proficient at recognizing and understanding the stages of change model.
Develop competencies necessary to work with diverse individuals and navigate intercultural communities.
Develop the ability to tailor treatment to each client’s diverse cultural and individual needs
Empower supervisees with the capacity to reflect and self-supervise in the future by recognizing one’s strengths and limitations and knowing how to seek out additional support.
To oversee the development of ethical decision making in the clinical setting and uphold the highest professional standards of the field.